Monday, November 26, 2007

Who Am I ???

As i walk in the crowded streets i feel lonely...
As i sit in a public restaurant and watch the faces of everyone else around me i only see the mask of disguise each one of them wearing....

Is it just me or everyone else feels the same ?
Or is it that everyone is smart enough to have over come that state ?
Does it mean that i have to learn the lessons of life ?
Or is it that everyone is trying to be different from what they are ??
If so why are they trying to be different ??

Is it a crime to be ourselves...
Is it a sin to say that we don't like something and that we cant do something...

Is it that we don't want to live perfectly or is it that there is no such thing called perfection...
How perfect is perfection ?
Is it enough to be ourselves to be perfect...
Or should we try to fit in someone else's definition...

Is it me who is writing this or someone else ?

Am i real or am i one among the herd ???

1 comment:

pal'z said...

ummmm....u've started thinkn wat i hv bn 4 quite some time it bad 2 be ourselves..y do we hv 2 aspire 2 be X/Y/Z....rn't we special jus da way we've bn made??gud going...keep da thinkn cap on..
